Legimus intellegam ea est, tamquam appellantur nec ei. Dicant perfecto deserunt quo id, ea etiam impetus pri. Mel ne vidit laboramus definiebas, quo esse aeterno
Words, words and more words… – MarquesHaven.com
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Words, words and more words…

Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter, You are about to embark on an experience that will in no small way define who you will become as a woman, as well as a citizen of this world. Embrace that with every fiber of your being. But know, this world will challenge you in ways that may cause you to doubt who you are as well as your views. In those moments, hold fast to who you know yourself to be. Reflect on your experiences growing up, both good and bad. Remember my many attempts to challenge your views and opinions. Invoke at will, the memories of me telling you stories of my childhood and how those experiences still guide me to this very day. Always be open to new things. Willingly and with open eyes, devour new ideas, new experiences and all the newness that this world has to offer. It’s okay to be scared, nervous, and/or skeptical of the unknown. However, it is not okay to let those feelings paralyze you into inaction. You are my daughter, and we don’t freak-out, no matter what because "we" know there is always a way out and a way forward. Always and without exception be kind and respectful. As a citizen of this world you must remember there are those you will meet whose backgrounds will differ greatly from yours. That’s okay. In those differences you will find beauty and the threads that connect us as a people. However, never be afraid to stand your ground and always speak loudly so that your voice can be heard. Live within your words because through your words as well as your actions, this world will come to know your name. So make sure your words are clear and your actions deliberate. You are my greatest contribution to this world, and to that affect, I submit to God and to the people of this world, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. Know that I am incredibly proud of you. I’m still having a hard time grasping the fact the my little LuLa is now a freshman in college. I love you above all things under God, for he has blessed me with you and for that I shall forever be humbled and moved beyond measure. And lastly...

Breathe Brother, Breathe.

I should listen to that voice echoing back from a place I vaguely remember. Like it's reverberating well within a moment (now) that's to reminiscent of a thereafter I forgot existed. Was it home? I seem to recall a faint memory of wide unrestrained smile. Why can't i bring it into focus. God, I need to remember to breathe. Breathe brother, breathe. I think I left something there, just beyond the horizon. Fuck, why can't I breathe? Wait, I remember now...

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