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Images of Haven ~ – MarquesHaven.com
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Images of Haven ~

Echoes of Vulnerability – Part I

She leaned over, breathlessly, after an hour spent exploring familiar curves as if rediscovering missed imperfections for the first time. “What do you want from me?” she whispered. It was a question drenched in the need to please, not suspicion. I thought of her voice, that raw and distinctive drawl that drew me in from a depth I didn’t know existed. “What do you want from me?” she asked again. The answer caught in my throat, but I nonetheless forced the words from the edge of my lips. “I want nothing from you.” “Nothing,” she replied. “Then why am I here?” I swear that voice will chase me until the end of days. “Okay,” I responded. “You’re here because I want you.” “In what way?” Her expression revealed nothing, but I sensed she was seeking something, something I was too afraid to give. This was seriously becoming some "Malcom" & Marie shit. Or perhaps "Love Jones", Perhaps. However, I'm no Darius Lovehall but she for damn sure could give Nina Mosley a run for her money. Fuck! "Why the inquisition?” I asked. “Because,” she paused as if a distant thought brought forth feelings yet to be reconciled. “You just made love to me in a way that blessed me with what I can only describe as pure joy. Understand, me saying that places me in a vulnerable and possibly untenable position.” I wanted to say, “You’re welcome,” but that would have been flippant and far from a truthful response. If I allowed myself to be vulnerable as well, I would tell her that our lovemaking damn near brought me to tears. Here’s the thing about having sex with someone, or what I like to refer to as (F)ornicating (U)nder (C)onsent of the (K)ing. Choose your adjective, but it be what it be. However, in this case, with her, it was far from the typical sexual escapade. This was different. It began as most moments like this do: clumsy and rushed. Though that wasn’t my intent. I was playing the role of someone I thought she wanted, but it was someone as foreign to me as an iris blooming on the dark side of the moon. Within minutes of the act, I could feel her apprehension take root. That’s when I realized she wanted me—the man who lived within his words, a man who burns slow but deliberate with a need for acceptance too often withheld. So I recalibrated. I let the me who I believe myself to be become exposed, and yes, vulnerable. I let my hunger for her rage free. If she were a riddle, she wouldn't be hard to solve, not with that body. Fuck! It's like she evokes this weird, ancient feeling of covetousness. And yes, I said covetousness, because she wasn’t mine. That offer would come later. I did to her what God did when he created the world. I made love. So I removed all thoughts of rejection and let my words, twisted in a storm of emotion, guide me, her, and the moment at hand. I did...

Just Haven ~

[image_slider class="animate" speed="2000"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/leaning.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/leaning_1.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Looking_Up.jpg"] [/image_slider] ...

Rock’n Republic Jeans

[image_slider class="animate" speed="2000"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Front_1280.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Front_Pocket_1280.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Back_1280.jpg"] [/image_slider] To be clear… these were taken back when Rock'n Republics were, well Rock'n. MH~ ...

Devil’s Advocate

Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He’s a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It’s the goof of all time. Look but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, don’t swallow.   Ahaha. And while you’re jumpin’ from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He’s laughin’ His sick, fuckin’ ass off! I’m a fan of man! I’m a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. John Milton ~ ...

Interview ~ Day Project (Day #4 – second submission)

Interviewer – First, I should thank you for taking the time to do this interview. MH~ Sure slick, my life is an open book so shoot! Interviewer – Okay, well first, can you state your name for the record? MH~ Marques Haven. Interviewer – Has that always been your name? MH~ Next question. Interviewer – I thought you said your life was an open book? MH~ I did. Interviewer – Then why won’t you answer the question? MH~ My life is an open book, whether or not you can read what’s on the page is completely up to you. Interviewer – Okay , well I guess I should just move on to the next question. MH~ Like I said slick… shoot! Interviewer - Not to get off topic but I have to tell you – everyone says that you and I look so much alike. Do you agree? MH~ I think the more correct statement would be you look more like me – not vice versa. But sure slick, you favor me a bit. Interviewer – How do you feel about love? MH~ I feel it exists. Interviewer – That’s not a feeling, that’s more a statement. MH~ No one can accuse you of being slow… keep it moving slick! Interviewer – Okay, why photography? MH~ Why not? Interviewer – Are you going to answer the question? MH~ I just did. Interviewer – If you were going to give someone advice about being a photographer what would you say? MH~ The picture behind you is probably a lot better than the one in front of you. I think the more correct statement would be you look more like me – not vice versa. But sure slick, you favor me a bit. Interviewer – What moves you? MH~ Cars, trains, planes and occasionally a strong northerly wind. Interview – That’s it? Let me restate the question – who moves you? MH~ Those I pray about. Interviewer – And who would they be? MH~ I just told you… next question slick; it’s cold out here. Interviewer – What photographers do you admire? MH~ Bob Carlos Clarke. Interviewer – Why him? MH ~ Because he was tortured and it came out in his work. The man was genius behind a lens. Interviewer – Anyone else? MH~ Sure, Margarete Almeida, Rafa Olivares, and Charlotte Lucca… just to name a few. But there are so many photographers whose work I admire, I would be out here all day naming them all and it’s too fucking cold for that. I will just say I am humbled by their work. Interviewer - You cursed, do you typically use bad language? MH~ Only when I am fucking annoyed! Interviewer – Okay, well I don’t want to take too much of your time. MH~ You already have. Interviewer – Last question, what’s next for you? MH~ I don’t understand the question. Interviewer – I mean, what’s the next phase in your life… your hitting the big 4-0 soon. Where do you see yourself a year from now? MH~ Not here with you. Interviewer – No really, please answer the question. MH~ This interview is over! Interviewer – Just like that! But I have more questions. MH~ Like I said before, no one can accuse you of being...

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