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Author: Marques Haven

Lustitia and the Rod of Asclepius

In a wakeful dream, I stood before Lustitia. She was blindfolded, with the scales of judgment held gently balanced in one hand. Lustitia, once a mortal who had ascended to her divine role, carried the weight of every judgment she had ever rendered. Her blindfold was not merely a symbol but a reminder of her own sacrifice—her choice to forsake personal bias for the sake of true justice. The scales in her hand were not just an instrument but a part of her being, sensitive to the subtlest shifts in morality and truth. She had long pondered the nature of guilt and redemption, understanding that every soul she judged was a reflection of her own journey toward understanding the delicate balance between justice and mercy. Before her lay the rod of Asclepius, a single serpent wrapped along its length. She motioned for me to move within her shadow. Once there, she whispered, "You can stand before me in judgment and in humble supplication, or you may take up the rod and free yourself of the sickness that has chased you every day of your life, but you can only choose one." I thought for a moment, then I began to kneel, readying myself to be judged. Though she was blindfolded, I could feel her eyes heavy on me. She said, "Why not take up the rod of Asclepius and be free of your sickness? Why submit yourself to judgment?" I raised my head so that I could meet her blinded gaze. I said, "If I take up the rod, then yes, I will no longer be sick, but I will still know that I am guilty." The scales began to lose their balance slightly as she spoke. "Then why be judged if you already know your guilt?" I stretched out my arms to either side with my hands and fingers spread wide. "I have no desire to live free of this sickness while drowned in guilt. I'd rather face judgment so those I love can be free." She told me to stand and said, "Take up the rod, be free of your sickness, and I shall judge you at the end of your time." I plucked the rod from where it lay. I choked the serpent and broke the rod in two, throwing them both at her feet and screaming as if I were casting words deep into a void, "I will be judged now so that I can be free of this sickness!" The scales tipped heavily to one side, and I was finally...

Just Haven ~

[image_slider class="animate" speed="2000"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/leaning.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/leaning_1.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Looking_Up.jpg"] [/image_slider] ...

Rock’n Republic Jeans

[image_slider class="animate" speed="2000"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Front_1280.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Front_Pocket_1280.jpg"] [image_slide img="http://marqueshaven.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/Haven/Back_1280.jpg"] [/image_slider] To be clear… these were taken back when Rock'n Republics were, well Rock'n. MH~ ...

Devil’s Advocate

Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He’s a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It’s the goof of all time. Look but don’t touch. Touch, but don’t taste. Taste, don’t swallow.   Ahaha. And while you’re jumpin’ from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He’s laughin’ His sick, fuckin’ ass off! I’m a fan of man! I’m a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. John Milton ~ ...

Room With A View #1416 – Westin Gateway Arlington VA

My Room with a ViewIts dark, its night, its cold outside,each window shines a different light.A different hue, a different shadow,a different view.Sometimes I see a couple embrace,sometimes I see children fight,I fantasize about each facethe looks of anger, of love or fright.I see the old woman in the rocking chairrock backwards and forwards with heartfelt care;for the outline of the wrinkles on her faceshow toils and troubles that have gracedher tired worn body that life has etched,like a charcoal drawing on a canvas sketched.I look down below and I seethe red brake lights of a car, a family.Mother, father, child, and baby,all together, at once a symphonyof voices that giggle and chatteras they tumble in the car, nothing matters.I look at the stars in the navy skythe flickering of wishes of hearts that cry,and place their dreams and hopes up nigh,to heaven and the angels that are always there,to carry our cares on wings of prayer.There are cackles of laughter on the streeta momentous occasion, must have been a feast.Parties of merry voices drudge by,a glass of bubbly that has run dry.Arm and arm they bid goodnightand it is still again and there are fewer lights.As the evening becomes morningI soon realizethat I’m the only person awakeas the new day is dawning.Night as become lightand my eyes draw closedIts time for bedtime, I suppose.Margaret Purslow ...

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